This is the base file tree I use:

_ lib/
_ static/
\_ style.css
_ templates/
\_ index.html
_ app.yaml
_ requirements.txt

Ex: GitHub - katyanna/kblog

lib/, app.yaml and are needed for the App Engine. The rest is basic Flask.

  • lib/

    You will need to have the libraries files in this paste for the deploy to work nicely. To install the required libs inside lib/, run:

$ pip install -t lib/ -r requirements.txt

    Where you can customize Python modules. You should define only the constants or hook functions you wish to override.

  • app.yaml

    It contains information about the application code. You can also put the url handlers in this file.

  • static / templates

    Where Flask will look for your .css and .html files respectively.


    Your python code.


    The list of libraries you’ll use.

Environment set up

1. Make sure you have Python 2.7.9 or later:

$ python -V

2. Download and install the Google App Engine SDK accordingly to this: Google Cloud SDK

3. Install the gcloud component that includes the extension for Python:

$ gcloud components install app-engine-python

4. Create a project:

$ gcloud create

Deploying the app

1. Test your application

$ $PWD

2. Deploy it

gcloud app deploy app.yaml --project projetct-id

My thoughts on App Engine

I didn’t enjoy it very much. Considering I’ve only worked with Heroku so far, I found App Engine to be much more complex than needed and inflexible. That’s my inexperienced opinion, if you have a thing or two to say in favor of App Engine, please comment so I can learn a little bit more.